70 degrees in Oklahoma January

Four days ago it was 8 degrees and we were pretty sure we weren’t going to make it. Then there was some wind, and today we woke up to a relatively warm 50…which increased to 70 degrees during the day! Incredulous, we had to get out and explore. The sun is still setting pretty early and casting long winder shadows, so some of the pictures we captured were pretty amazing. Thought we would share — enjoy!

All of these were taken at the OKC Myriad Gardens (only two blocks away from our apartment).

We especially enjoyed the way the light left almost purple shadows here.

Above and below — a small bamboo forest right in downtown OKC!

You can see the blues and golds brought out by the sunset in these two (above and below) pretty clearly.

Below is the main building of the Devon Tower complex. This company is slowly taking over the downtown area, but they’re committed to green spaces and retro-futuristic looking walkways (perhaps a future post) so I don’t mind!

And I’ll close with a shot of the historic Colcord Hotel – the first steel structure in OKC, built in 1909.

Thanks for reading!

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